Examining the phase transition behavior of amphiphilic lipids in solution using statistical temperature molecular dynamics and replica-exchange Wang-Landau methods
Recommended citation: Gai, Lili Vogel, Thomas Maerzke, Katie A. Iacovella, Christopher R. Landau, David P. Cummings, Peter T. McCabe, Clare (2013). "Examining the phase transition behavior of amphiphilic lipids in solution using statistical temperature molecular dynamics and replica-exchange Wang-Landau methods ." JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 139 (054505).
Gai, Lili Vogel, Thomas Maerzke, Katie A. Iacovella, Christopher R. Landau, David P. Cummings, Peter T. McCabe, Clare (2013). “Examining the phase transition behavior of amphiphilic lipids in solution using statistical temperature molecular dynamics and replica-exchange Wang-Landau methods .” JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 139 (054505), pp .
DOI: 10.1063/1.4816520
Funding source: National Science Foundation (NSF) [OCI-0904879]; National Institute of Arthritis and Muscoskeletal and Skin Diseases [R01 AR057886-01]; Texas Advanced Computing Center under XSEDE [PHY130009]; Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC); Direct For Computer \& Info Scie \& Enginr [0904879] Funding Source: National Science Foundation